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Time Line Therapy™
-- a powerful tool to support the healing of cancer

Not only does the release of negative emotions clear up physical health, it also has the potential to improve the mental and emotional health of the person. This paradigm is no longer just a theory. What verified the basic theory of Time Line Therapy™ is a result of the research of a Medical Doctor named Hamer, who is currently practicing in Germany.

Several years ago while practicing in Rome, Italy, Dr. Hamer's son, age 18 was shot and killed. Several years later, Dr. Hamer developed testicular cancer. He was operated on, and he survived. Then, having moved to Bavaria, he began to research whether or not a severe emotional trauma precedes all cancer. Since that time, Dr. Hamer has researched over 10,000 cases of cancer.

Dr. Hamer flatly states that all cancer starts with a severe psychological conflict that throws you into shock. He says, "You isolate yourself, and do not share your emotions with others. You are upset and do not share with others--you're obsessed about the conflict. This conflict changes your life completely--you will never be the same." (This is a description of a major Significant Emotional Experience, or SEE.) This type of SEE, according to Hamer, usually occurs on the average of one to three years prior to the onset of the first symptoms of cancer.

Trapped Emotions:

When the SEE occurs, the emotions associated with the SEE are trapped in a certain spot in the brain, and according to Hamer, a "short circuit" occurs. (He says that the physiological process is close to, or like a stroke.) In his work (originally available in German), Hamer has related the spot in the brain, with the tumor location in the body, with the type of trauma which caused it.

When a major SEE like this occurs, according to Hamer, there is a trapped emotion in the brain, the brain suffers something like a mild stroke and starts sending wrong information to a certain part of the body, and then a cancer growth starts in that area. The nature of the SEE determines the area of the brain, and the type of cancer. The rate of growth is also dependent on the SEE. As soon as the SEE is released, Hamer says, there is an immediate edema that occurs in the area where the trapped emotions were. This edema can be seen on a CT-Scan! Once the edema occurs, the cancer growth stops, and healing begins. A skilled MD can see the edema on the CT-Scan, and know about the area of the brain and, therefore, the type of cancer. Often, we forget about our conflicts and SEE's, so we aren't sure of the source. Areas where there were old, trapped emotions will often show up on the CT-Scan as "old stroke" areas.

This is important to understand in the treatment of cancer, because the fact is, Hamer says, that the immune system does not have to fight cancer cells. The immune system does not even have to recognize cancer cells, because the problem is in the brain--the answer is to heal the brain. This happens in the resolution of the initial conflict or SEE. Hamer feels that cutting, burning and/or poisoning the tumor is not the answer. If a tumor affects the proper functioning of an organ then the tumor will have to be cut off, but not the rest of the organ. This means that only a total of 2-3% of the cancer will have to be cut out.

From Recent Trauma:

Hamer says that it is not the childhood trauma that causes the cancer; it is a more recent trauma. It is also important to understand that it is the first event that allows the more recent SEE to create a lesion in the brain. Hamer's procedure is to release the SEE using what seems to be pretty traditional psychological methods. It seems that Hamer does not have a way, or is not interested in the release of the original root cause or the first event. Hamer's experience is, therefore, that a recurrence of an event similar to the SEE which caused the cancer brought a recurrence of the cancer. Hamer has observed in his research that even an imagined SEE is sufficient to bring back a relapse of the cancer symptoms. Our experience is that the recurrence of the cancer can be prevented if the first event is also released, and cleared.

It is important to note that, according to Hamer, even an imagined conflict/SEE can be enough to start or restart the cancer symptoms, even if it seems small or inconsequential to you. For example, Hamer notes a woman who had cervical cancer got it by re-reading her dead husband's love letters, and feeling as though in his death he was refusing to have intercourse with her. The SEE can be as simple as the running away of a pet, the stock market going down, losing a job, or even listening to a neighbor gossip. Whether or not any of these actually make a difference in your physiology depends on your own personal history, and whether there is an emotional chain present for the SEE to connect to.

According to Hamer, carcinogens do not play a major role in the creation of cancer. This idea will, I'm certain, raise some eyebrows in certain committed health food types (of which I am one), but Hamer raises some disturbing questions. Why, for example, do women smokers have a significantly lower rate of bronchial and lung cancer than do men smokers? Hamer says that women smokers have fewer territorial conflicts (the type of SEE that causes bronchial cancer) than do men, and so the percentage of that type cancer in women is lower. Of course, as women proceed more and more into their rightful place of equality in the workplace, we can expect the statistics to move more into equality too. So there is a price for success!

Now what about situations where the cancer has been found to spread (metastasize) in the body to other areas of the body? The commonly accepted theory in medicine right now, is that a cancerous cell splits off from the main cancer and travels through the blood stream to other areas of the body, where new cancer growth then starts. Hamer flatly rejects this idea. First of all, he says it has not been possible for researchers to cause cancer cells to metastasize in any laboratory experiment. Rather, he says that what really happens is that the patient goes to see the medical doctor, and the doctor gets suspicious. So the doctor orders extensive testing. The report says, "Cancer." And it sounds so final! The patient is terrified, knowing life will never be the same, creating a new SEE. In this case the fear causes lymph cancer, and the fear of death will start lung cancer (two of the major places to where cancer is "known" to metastasize). Now the well meaning medical doctor says, "It is all over the body." And the body responds.

Another scenario, the patient undergoes surgery, and feels a lack of self worth. If the reproductive system is operated on, the patient will feel like less of a man or woman, and may say "I'll never function the same way again," or, "Now I'm worthless." Another SEE, another cancer. The process is not the spreading of cancer, it is the spreading of SEE's.

The Process of Cancer:

Now how do you use this information to assist the healing process using Time Line Therapy™ Techniques? It seems that there are two main stages in the process of cancer:

  1. The Dis-ease Phase: SEE occurs, the client has no strategy for dealing with the trauma, the emotion is trapped in an area of the brain, the brain begins to send wrong signals to the area of the body, and a tumor growth occurs in a corresponding area of the body. During this phase, the patient feels uncomfortable, tense, sometimes sleepless, and has cold hands and feet. This indicates activity of the sympathetic nervous system. (The sympathetic nervous system is the system that we use in thinking, planning, action, etc.) A healthy person can switch from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system at will. During the Dis-ease Phase the client is in the sympathetic system only.
  2. The Healing Phase: The SEE is released, conflict is resolved, the trapped emotion in the brain is released, an edema in the area of the brain occurs, and the tumor stops growing. In this phase the client immediately switches to the parasympathetic system. The client will feel relaxed, tired, will need more sleep and be more hungry.

My experience with clients leads me to say that you can tell which phase a client is in. "Marlene" had several bouts with cancer before she came to me. (In fact the Medical Doctor who referred her to me said that he had little hope for her.) The first session, Marlene could barely walk into the room. Marlene looked gray; she could not hold her head upright for more than a minute or two; and she spoke so softly that I had to strain to hear her.

The first assault of this dis-ease was in August 1984 with breast cancer. The first tip-off was a lump in the right breast in 1983. Between 1984 and 1990, she had cancer in the mid-back, hip, right shoulder, back, pelvic area, left shoulder, neck, and liver. She had surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy in the process of treating all these cancers. Of course, by the time I met her she was very weak, and as I mentioned, she looked gray.

In taking her history, I found that she was suffering or had suffered all her life from a number of negative emotions including depression, sadness, fear, guilt, anger, hate, anxiety, hurt feeling, pain, low self esteem, and jealousy. So I asked her what had happened one to three years prior to the lump in 1983. She gasped and said that in 1980, she and her husband had first met, and had gotten together. In 1981, in spite of a number of fears and misgivings, and even though he was extremely aggressive, she had married the man. He had then systematically cut her off from all her friends and family.

During the first intervention, we released all of her negative emotions including depression, sadness, fear, guilt, anger, hate, anxiety, hurt feeling, pain, low self-esteem, and jealousy. In addition, we cleared her decision to have the lump in the right breast, and any subsequent choices for less than perfect health.

During the intervention her hands became hot. She felt tired, sleepy, and extremely hungry. That night she had the best night's sleep she had in five years. During the therapy, she shifted over from the Dis-ease Phase to the Healing Phase. The next day she came in alert, smiling, and all trace of the gray had disappeared.

Sometimes the Healing Phase can be uncomfortable. A client called me the day after a Time Line Therapy™ session, and said, "My whole body is uncomfortable, it aches--especially my head." I told him to get a deep tissue massage, and enjoy a hot tub, and to be happy because the reaction of the body was telling him that we were releasing some major "stuff" (a technical term). According to Hamer, if the tumor has been growing for more than 9 months it is possible that the client will not be totally comfortable during the Healing Phase. In this case the resolution of the Dis-ease Phase may produce other dis-comfort which could include swelling of the brain, edema, heart arrhythmia or other temporary organ dysfunction, headache, migraine, or even mild epilepsy in some cases.

During the Healing Phase, the client needs to be comfortable. Schedule the Healing Phase to have a minimum of stress on the client. While healing, get away from it all, take a nap each time you yawn, exercise daily, and eat and drink moderately. Above all, no responsibilities except healing.

There is hope--we have had some excellent results in assisting clients to relieve their symptoms. Of course, anyone with a life threatening dis-ease should see a Medical Doctor first before seeking a non-traditional route like Time Line Therapy™ techniques. (Time Line Therapy™, NLP and Hypnosis are not a replacement for Medical treatment.) Even so, we have had results that now prove the theories we have been using in the processes of healing various symptoms that produce the illusion of dis-ease.

A client I saw in London had bladder cancer, and had been operated on twice with laser surgery. The second time the surgeon missed, and cut his backbone. With the third recurrence of the symptoms, he decided that he would like to seek a different route. (The M.D. referral said that the surgery had missed getting out all the cancer the last two times.) When I saw him in London, we cleared all his negative emotions, and limiting decisions, including the decision to have the symptom that looked like cancer. Six weeks later when he went to the doctor, all traces of the cancer had disappeared such that the doctors denied that he had ever had the cancer. He then asked them, "Well why did you operate on me?"

New Hope:

There is hope--the University of Calgary, Department of Medicine has investigated, and now uses Time Line Therapy and The Basis of Personality as a text book in one of its oncology (cancer) treatment classes for training medical doctors.

There is hope--several psychology departments including St. Joseph's College in Calumet, Michigan are teaching Time Line Therapy™ in the college to psychology students, and they are using The Secret of Creating Your Future™ (1989, James).

There is hope! Because there are some enlightened doctors in the world who are willing to stop doing what doesn't work, and start looking for what does produce results. Then they use what they have learned to make changes that will affect the planet (and in case you hadn't noticed that's what my life is about). I think that attitude is wonderful wherever I find it, in our own community and especially in the medical and psychological communities, and I salute it.

Further, I am sincerely honored that some enlightened members of the medical and psychological community are willing to continue to learn and to look to Time Line Therapy™ techniques to provide other alternatives for healing.

— © Tad James

No claim is made by the author of this article as to the inherent healing powers of Time Line Therapy™ Techniques, in fact, quite to the contrary, the author believes that all healing power lies within us, and that healing takes place when the client establishes good communication with his unconscious mind. Nothing described here is designed to replace good Medical treatment in the case of disease.

